
Hydraulic mulch seeding, or hydroseeding, is the economical way to install a quick-establishing, healthy lawn. It involves spraying a mix of grass seed, mulch, fertiliser, and water on a prepared surface.

Hydroseeding is our specialty

We service residential, commercial, civil and rural projects. Our work includes residential lawns, parks and reserves, new subdivisions, roadside slip work, and quarries—focusing on successful revegetation. See who we work with.

Why Hydroseeding?

When quick establishment and consistency matter, hydroseeding is your ideal solution. We use a high-quality wood fibre mulch in our hydromulching products, which acts as a germination bed, retaining moisture to strike consistently within 5-14 days—depending on soil temperature and seed variety.
During germination, the mulch restricts weed growth and protects the seed from wind, rain, and adverse weather conditions. Fertilisers and tackifiers are also added to enhance the lawn establishment phase.

Robust growth under any conditions

Compared to the commonly used paper mulch, wood fibre mulch provides twice the moisture retention and adherence to give your seed the best start possible.

Proven products and results

Our premium hydro mulching machines ensure maximum coverage and density of your lawn, and we only use market-leading seed and fertiliser products.

Slip control

Hydroseeding is cost-effective for growing grass quickly and highly effective in civil sites and slip areas for erosion control, stabilisation and improved visual appeal.

Finding the best fit

To ensure a successful result, we can blend seed varieties to suit the application and soil type of the project.

Our Hydroseeding Products

Proganics Biotic Soil Media

Proganics help soil reach its full potential anywhere it is needed—on top of bare ground or under erosion control blankets, straw, hydraulic mulch, or soil. Its biological elements and patented bark and wood fibres kick-start vigorous root development while helping to regenerate depleted soils. Proganics Biotic Soil Media is an excellent alternative to trucked-in topsoil or compost, as it saves money and time while delivering exceptional results and less carbon footprint.

Flexterra HP-FGM

Flexterra is a hydraulic mulch product with proven strength and versatility. It is ideal for erosion control and revegetation. This industry-leading product is designed for the most extreme slopes and swales. Lawn & Turf has been using Flexterra for many years with enormous success.

Hydro Mulch 1000

This is our first choice for wood fibre mulch and what we use in 90% of our jobs. It is a product designed to suit most situations. Hydro 1000 is a Profile product from the USA designed to be safe, efficient, and high-performing even under adverse weather conditions. With 100% wood fibre, it retains a lot of moisture and nutrient retention, which is crucial for successful germination.

Hydroseeding Projects

Hydroseeding Taharoa Ironsands

Waikato Home & Garden Display

Aotea Slip Erosion Control

Ohaupo Lawn and Landscaping

St Kilda Lawn Preparation and Hydroseeding

Maeroa Gully Erosion Control

Speedies Rd Te Anga Erosion Control

Revegetation in the Chimpanzee Enclosure at the Hamilton Zoo

Karapiro Lake Edge Stablization

Tieke Golf Course Erosion Control

Kaipaki Lawn

Thorncombe Estate Road Verges

Hydroseeding for...

Hydroseeding for Residential

Hydroseeding is a cost-effective way to establish a quick-growing, healthy lawn and transform outdoor spaces into lush, new landscapes.

  • Spray-on grass looks good in as little as five days and is lush in around three weeks.
  • Fibre mulch within the seed mix retains moisture, protects seeds from birds and weeds, and helps them bond with the soil.
  • Nutrient-rich fertiliser ensures seeds get the nutrients they need for robust growth.
  • Your new lawn will be ready to enjoy within another two to three weeks.
Hydroseeding for Civil Projects

At Lawn & Turf Contracting, we specialise in hydroseeding civil projects and can meet compliance and site requirements.

  • Critical erosion jobs, swale drains, roadside and footpath berms.
  • Tailored mixes for different situations, including council-specified turf mix, rye/clover or rye/fescue/browntop for kerb sites.
  • Site-specific solutions designed for the most challenging sites and terrain.
  • Able to meet all necessary regulatory compliance, including silt fencing and site safety.
Hydroseeding for Rural Areas

Hydroseeding is ideal for quick and effective revegetation in even the most challenging environments. For farms and rural blocks, hydroseeding can help manage weeds, fix new earthwork areas or reinvigorate tired paddocks.

  • Use hydromulching to stabilise new earthworks and stop erosion on large cuttings, new races or effluent ponds
  • Our two-metre power harrow air seeder is ideal for applying fertiliser, weed control or resowing paddocks.
  • Specialised trucks and hydroseeders are ideal for farm access, even in wet conditions.
Hydroseeding for Commercial Projects

We have the fleet and resources to handle large commercial projects, including retirement homes, ensuring fast and reliable results across diverse terrains.

  • Effective for steep or challenging slopes, providing immediate soil surface protection
  • Promotes vigorous grass growth even in low-fertility soil
  • Delivers excellent moisture retention and dust suppression

Hydroseeding after-care

We care about the success of your lawn seeding. The after-care of your hydroseed lawn is critical, particularly in the first 12 months. Read more about after-care for hydroseed here.

Request a Quote

Get in touch with our friendly team today. We're experts in challenging projects, and we're always happy to talk turf.

Hydroseeding FAQs

Here are some of the most common questions we’re asked about getting the perfect lawn. If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for, just get in touch.

How long should I wait to mow for the first time after my hydroseeding?

This depends on the time of year your hydroseed or grass is sown. Summer, autumn and spring lawns can establish very quickly, so you can expect to mow your lawn in 3-4 weeks. Once your lawn grows to 60-80mm you can take the top off your lawn.

Before the first mow, ensure the mower blades are sharp. Do not use a mulching mower until you have mown your lawn 5-6 times with a conventional mower and catcher. Please do not leave your lawn too long before you mow as this can be detrimental to your lawn.

If you want to mulch your clippings into the lawn, you need to ensure regular mowing so that you do not leave excessive clippings on the lawn, which can cause areas to die.

When and for how long do I water my new hydroseed?

Summer: We recommend watering twice a day during the summer. However, if you are restricted by water usage, once a day will suffice it will just take longer to germinate. Before germination, don’t let water pool on the hydroseed. Once germinated you can water heavier to ensure deep watering but avoid excessive ponding.

Autumn: Early autumn can still be quite dry, so in order to get a good result, keep watering the lawn until you get natural rain (twice daily is recommended).

Winter: During winter the lawn normally gets enough moisture from overnight dew to maintain good germination.

I have a couple of patches in my hydroseed, what do I do?
Please call our office and our friendly staff will come up with a plan or point you in the right direction. Patches of 50mm or less will naturally fill in by themselves with regular fertiliser, frequent mowing, and management of weeds and foreign grasses.
Do you sell the seed that has been hydroseeded?
Yes, we do! If you know what seed we hydroseeded, please order through our online shop. If you aren’t sure what seed was used, please call our office, and we will assist you.
What happens to my hydroseed if it pours down after application?
Most of the time there is still seed sitting on the surface of the preparation, most times patience is the key. Please email photos to the office so we can check. Generally rippling looks odd, but still has an effective germination. In some cases, some areas may need a re-spray, but we will need to wait for approximately three weeks before we can assess. If you are unsure, please give us a call.
Does my hydroseeding require watering?
We provide you with an aftercare pamphlet once we have finished the job, which covers watering requirements. Aftercare is crucial for the best results, and it is very important to keep the hydromulch/seed damp to ensure good germination. In the hotter months it will require watering daily, if not twice a day. It is essential to continue watering through the summer weeks.
Birds are eating my hydroseeding, will It affect germination?
Generally, birds will pick off the seeds sitting on the surface. There are many seeds through the hydroseed mixture and soil profile, so there will be minimal effect on germination.
What aftercare is required after hydroseeding?
We have fertiliser in the hydroseeding mixture, so there is no need to apply fertiliser for two months after application (depending on the seed type). Broadleaf weeds could come through from the soil, please do NOT spray your hydroseed until you have mown it at least four times.
How do I prepare my ground for hydroseeding if I want to do it myself?

We suggest site spraying the area at least once to ensure the ground is free of weeds and foreign grasses. We then suggest a minimum of 150mm of topsoil. Ensure that you leave the surface fluffy and tillered and not over-compacted.

Is hydroseeding hazardous to children and pets?
No, it is non-toxic and harmless to children, pets, and the environment.
How long until I can walk on my new lawn?
Try to keep off the lawn for the first four weeks or until the first mow while it is germinating. You can walk on the lawn to water it but stay off if the soil is too soft and you are leaving footprints.
Will I get many weeds in the lawn?
Unfortunately, weeds are inevitable with any existing soil and soil that has been imported. We recommend not spraying weeds until you have mown the lawn at least 3-4 times.
What type of grass seed is used in hydroseeding?

We can hydroseed all year round using rye seed, which ensures faster germination. If you are after a tall fescue or fine fescue lawn, then we can grow these two varieties twice a year in autumn and spring. The exact timing will depend on the ground soil temperature and the weather conditions. Please be aware that the fescue seeds require additional maintenance to help them germinate, and we strongly recommend that you go onto our annual lawncare maintenance program to ensure good establishment.

How much does hydroseeding cost?

The price of hydroseeding can vary depending on grass variety, slopes, access to site and establishment to site. The hydroseeding is priced on a square metre basis. Please note that we do have minimum charges. Phone or email the office so we can get the correct information and price accordingly.

What is hydroseeding?
Hydroseeding combines seed, wood, mulch, fertiliser, and water, which are mixed in a hydroseeder tank to form a thick slurry. This slurry is applied from a hose to the soil to ensure an even seed coverage and germination.
How long does hydroseeding take to see results?
You can expect to see growth within 7 to 10 days, depending on the time of the year and as long as you ensure the hydroseeding is kept damp.
Is the fertiliser or weed spray harmful to people or pets?
Once the spray has dried, you can allow pets and children to roam freely on the lawn.
What happens if we have a downpour on our newly hydroseeded lawn?
A little bit of movement of the mulch under heavy rain can be expected. Do not be alarmed as a lot of seed and mulch is sprayed into the soil under pressure, which embeds the seed through the top 2cm of soil. When you see the mulch and seed moved on the surface, 90% of your seed is still in place. In most cases, we like to let the lawn germinate and grow for 2-3 weeks, and then we can assess the lawn. It is easier to target areas that may require patching once the lawn grows.
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